Alphabetical Alumni | |||
Christensen, Sherrie
Sherrie and Richard Wiseman
Class of 1965 ~ Honorary. Sherrie Christensen. She left BYH early, married Richard A. Wiseman, DDS, and they live in Santa Rosa, California. @2005 |
Clark, Ronald J.
Ron and Kathy Clark
Class of 1965 ~ Honorary. Ronald Clark. He started at the BYU Elementary Training School in kindergarten and continued through 9th grade. He then "fled the study carrels" to attend Provo High, beginning in 1962-63, graduating in 1965. ~ ~ ~ ~ BYU BA Broadcast & Film Production 1972. Director of Public Affairs and Guest Relations, BYU, 201 VCTR, Provo, Utah 84602. ~ ~ ~ ~ President, America's Freedom Festival at Provo, 1998. ~ ~ ~ ~ Executive Focus: Ronald J. Clark, Director Guest Relations/Community Relations, BYU. Vital Statistics: Age: 45 [1992]. Where born: Provo. Family -- Wife: Kathy; children: Ryan, Nikki, Angie and Christopher. Education: [BYU Laborary Schools K-9; Provo High School 10-12, Class of 1965;] Graduated from BYU in 1972, majoring in advertising/public relations. Primary products: Hosting VIP guests visiting BYU and surrounding community. Primary markets: Worldwide and domestically oriented clientele. Number of Employees: 11. Personality Profile: First ``real'' job: Usher/doorman at Paramount Theatre in Provo, part time in 1964. First professional job: Associate Director for Stake and Mission Public Communications, LDS Church. Management style: Equality with staff - I make hard decisions, they help with the rest. Strategy for success: Treat each guest/client as a VIP and go beyond the extra mile to accommodate and please them. Staff members should be treated as mutual partners, with respect and plenty of praise. A memorable failure: Someone once told me, ``there's no failure in life . . . just opportunities.'' I've had numerous ``opportunities'' to grow and learn from, but I've placed them behind me. I only look forward. Failure is definitely not a word. Heroes: Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Ghandi. Leisure time and hobbies: Camping; family vacations to Disneyland; antique Disney toys (collecting); live theater. Favorite book and movie: Book: ``Les Miserables''; movie: ``Dances With Wolves.'' -- [June 1992, Deseret News.] ~ ~ ~ ~ Ron Clark is an avid Disney collector. "I was collecting it before it was the thing to do," said Clark, whose collection boasts more than 3,000 antique pieces dating back as far as 1928. Clark began collecting in 1972 when he and his bride, Kathy, visited Disneyland on their honeymoon. He became intrigued with Disney antiques and brought some home. "I was totally hooked," he said. "I loved the antiquity of it. Every piece tells a story." An entire room of Clark's home is dedicated to showcasing his collection, which includes theater posters, scripts and 128 limited-edition watches. His favorite piece is his first piece, an original Ingersoll Mickey Mouse watch. Clark said his entire family enjoys his collection and his son has started a Disney collection of his own. "It's sure been fun. It's been a very therapeutic, very relaxing hobby," Clark said. ~ ~ ~ ~ Top staff and administrative employees honored during the BYU conference included Ronald J. Clark of Public Affairs and Guest Relations, who was presented the Ben E. Lewis Management Award. [August 2003.] ~ ~ ~ ~ Ron Clark represented the Osmond family for 14 years. |
Jacobs, Marilyn
Marilyn and Stan Heiner
Class of 1965 ~ Honorary. Marilyn Jacobs. Married Stan Heiner. ~ ~ ~ ~ "I attended BYH for 7th, 8th and 9th grades. Went to Provo High for two years. I should have graduated in 1965, but skipped my senior year and started college early in Salzburg, Austria on the BYU Semester Abroad program. But I still consider BYH 'my school.' Melodee Lambert has been my friend since we were in kindergarten. She shared the recent reunion recollections and memories with me and I enjoyed them immensely. Because I didn’t graduate, I rarely know of the reunions unless I happen to be communicating with a friend and find out by chance." ~ ~ ~ ~ Her parents: Briant Stringham Jacobs [BYU Professor of American Literature] and Barbara Tietjen Jacobs [author]. They had five children: Jeniveve Jacobs [BYH Class of 1959] Wahlquist; Marilyn Jacobs Heiner [BYH Class of 1965-H) (Stan); David Jacobs [BYH Class of 1969] (Chris); Janeen Jacobs Aggen (Tom); and Bob Jacobs (Jerie). @2009 |
John, Carol
Carol and Terry Walker
Class of 1965 ~ Honorary. Carol John. She attended BYU elementary school thru 9th grade and loved BYH. She married Terry Walker of Orem She works for the Governor of Utah and has been involved in Provo's Freedom Festival. @2005 |
Paxman, David Brockbank
David and Kathryn Paxman |
Class of 1965 ~ Honorary. David Paxman. He graduated from Provo High. He graduated with a BA in English from BYU, served a mission in Argentina, got his PhD. at University of Chicago, then taught English at BYU Hawaii and is currently a professor at BYU Provo. He was also Assistant Dean of Humanities before he left to serve in South America. He has four children from his marriage to Susan Wear (Isaac Paxman, Jane Paxman, Judy Paxman, and Jonathan Paxman) and is now married to Kathryn Pope Hoopes Paxman. Together they have 10 children. They are currently serving as Humanitarian Service Coordinators for the LDS Church in Buenos Aires. Their mission will be finished in June 2007, and they'll return to Provo where he'll continue to teach at BYU. His parents: Judge Monroe Paxman and Shirley Brockbank Paxman, married 1942. Monroe and Shirley Paxman had the following children: 1) John Monroe Paxman [BYH Class of 1962] was born 25 Dec 1943. 2) Carolyn Paxman [BYH Class of 1963] was born 28 Oct 1945. 3) David Brockbank Paxman was born 31 Dec 1946. 4) Nancy Paxman [BYH Class of 1966~H] was born 25 Jan 1948. 5) Annette Paxman [BYH Class of 1970] was born 16 Jun 1952. 6) Mary Beth Paxman [BYH Class of 1972] was born 1954. 7) Susan Kay Paxman [BYH Class of 1975] was born 1956. |
Peterson, Karen
Karen Child
Class of 1965 ~ Honorary. Karen Peterson. Married ______ Child. |