Let Me Update My Own
BYH Record

Let Me Update Myself Email Logo

If you would like to update your own record in the BYH directory, please send a note by email to obtain a password. Be sure your own email system is up and running, then click here for email address: Request for BYH Directory Access.

In the subject line, type in "Request for BYH Access." Include your full name, email address, your year of graduation, or other identifying data with your request.
Once you have received your User Name and Password, you can fill them in, login below, and make your own additions and corrections!
Filter Type:

Directory Login
Fill in User Name and Password, then click on Login -- you will be taken to your own profile form. (Hint: Avoid the use of quotation marks when filling in the form, for example: "Bud".)

When you have filled in your profile to your satisfaction, click the Submit button at the bottom [not the nearby Update Directory] and you will return to this page.

When you arrive back here, you can then assume that your profile has been properly updated.

Entryway, Provo City Library at Academy Square