The BYH All-Classes
Reunion of 2010
BY High Alumni Gather, Remember Beloved School
September 4, 2010 By Sara Israelsen-Hartley, Deseret News
PROVO — When Julie Anderson Clark thinks back to high school, she immediately pictures her English teacher Anna B. Hart.
The white-haired woman always wore a brooch on her left lapel and carried her books close to her chest.
"She's the reason I do what I do," said Clark, who now teaches children's literature at BYU.
Memories of beloved teachers and former classmates came flooding back Friday as BY High alumni gathered in Provo for an all-class reunion.
Brigham Young Academy began in 1876 as a secondary school but eventually grew to include all grades, kindergarten through 12th grade, according to the BY High website.
In 1903, Brigham Young Academy was dissolved and replaced by Brigham Young University High School — in what is now the Provo City Library at Academy Square — and BYU.
Zola Rae Law Ash attended both BY High and BYU and still mourns the high school's closing in 1968.
"It was really hard on all of us when they dissolved it," said Ash, Class of '44. "It wasn't the elegant high school our kids have now, but we had excellent teachers. (Today) we put too much emphasis on the quality of our building and not our teachers."
Alumni became emotional as they spoke of former teachers such as Hart and strict Julia Caine, who terrified most students but left lifelong impressions of dedication to teaching and students.
Small class sizes also meant everyone got to try everything, said Clark, who was in the last graduating class in 1968.
"I was a cheerleader, copy editor, in choir and band. I wasn't popular," she added with a smile. "But people got to shine."
Clark's husband, Dan, class of 1967, played on the football team — offense and defense.
"If (BY High) was still open, our children would (have gone) there," she said. "I really loved BY High. I miss BY High."
Since the early days, BY High graduates have spread across the world, whether serving in the Peace Corps in Malaysia, teaching school in Germany or working in Japan. They are lawyers, doctors, dentists, businessmen and women, LDS Church stake presidents, Relief Society presidents and even general authorities.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks, of the Quorum of the Twelve of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is a member of the graduating class of 1950 and came to the reunion Friday with his wife, Kristen.
"How very grateful we are for BY High," Elder Oaks said, "for giving us rigorous and faithful teaching at that important part of our lives."
Reunion organizer Kent Broadhead said he plans to have another gathering in two years. A 1949 graduate, Broadhead spent his time at BY High playing basketball, winning the state championship in both 1948 and '49.
"My brothers and I say (high school) was the best three years of our life," he said.
Published: Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010 11:14 p.m. MDT Source: Deseret News
All-Classes Great Hurrah Reunion
Friday, September 3, 2010
Rock Canyon Pavilion
No one in BYH history has organized more reunions than Kent Broadhead [BYH Class of 1949]. He and his brothers, Don [BYH Class of 1946] and Sterling [BYH Class of 1947] planned what they called the "Great Hurrah" Reunion, and they reserved a pavilion in Rock Canyon for September 3, 2010.
They invited alumni from all BYH classes and all BYH faculty. Alumni, faculty and guests brought their own food to the pavilion designed to hold 270 people.
The year 2010 marked the 134th year since the founding of Brigham Young Academy high school in 1876.
Instructions Given To All BYH Alumni & Faculty,
1. Date, Time & Place: I've reserved Pavilion #2 in Rock Canyon Park, 2620 North 1200 East, Provo, Utah, from noon until 9:00 PM for Friday, September 3, 2010. I did this same thing basically in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008 at the same park. Once again we'll visit and tell each other lies across pavilion tables.
2. Publicity: I have several people who are helping me get the word out. This reunion is featured on the BYH website.
3. Faculty invitations: I'm going to invite some faculty and need everyone's help to invite all of them. (See our Alumni Directory for clues.) 4. Details: The venue will be basically the same as in past years:--Bring your own food and drink, napkins and paper towels.
--We will have no grills for cooking meat. You can pick up your "whatever" at one of the local fast food places in Provo or make/bring your own.
--This pavilion does have electrical outlets, water and restrooms. --We have reserved the park from 12 noon to 9 p.m. You may begin eating anytime you desire.
--You may want to bring a light sweater in case the weather turns a bit cool later in the afternoon and evening.
--Please bring yearbooks, newspapers, photographs, and other miscellaneous memorabilia from past years. These will prove interesting.
--If possible bring folding chairs and other camping furniture so you will be comfortable. 5. Program: After, lunch, probably around 3 p.m., we will hold a short (?) meeting. If you want to address the entire assemblage, this is your opportunity.
I'm going to try and get a couple of musical numbers performed by some of our talented graduates. Be assured that won't be me. 6. Name tags & sign-in sheets: I will have name tags and registration sheets at one of the pavilion tables. Please sign in so we can know your current whereabouts and contact information. 7. Guests: Feel free to bring other family members if you desire. This pavilion holds 270 people so we can accommodate quite a few. 8. RSVP: If you have even a FAINT idea you will be able to come, please email me and let me know. If you have to change your mind at the last minute, that creates no problem, except we'll surely miss you. 9. THERE IS NO FEE FOR ATTENDING. 10. Updated information: I'll try to update you on anything that comes up in future weeks, right here.
MY BIGGEST HOPE IS THAT YOU'LL NOTIFY OTHER OF YOUR B.Y. HIGH GRADUATE FRIENDS OF THIS REUNION. THERE ARE MANY FOR WHOM WE DON'T HAVE EMAIL OR CURRENT ADDRESSES. Mark your calendars now, and make your plans to attend! Kent Broadhead 3658 West 5180 South Taylorsville, Utah 84118 Tel: 801-955-2866 RSVP Email: kent1bro@comcast.net
The Remarkable BYH
Class of 1949!
Welcoming and including members of other BYH classes and faculty to participate in class activities
The Brigham Young High School Class of 1949 is clearly the most active class in BYH history. This class has held more reunions, has written more histories, has kept better records of its members, and has participated in more activities that honor and build the history of our alma mater, than any other class. The challenge of the 49ers is for any other BYH class to meet and surpass their record.
In 2009 the Class of 1949 marked their 60th year since graduation. The individual and group records set by this Class are remarkable, and all BYH graduates offer their warmest congratulations to everyone in this special group.
Dear BYH Classmates: Here is a recap of our 2008 BY High reunion held at Rock Canyon Park on Friday, September 5th.
Thirty-nine classmates attended and though we wish there would have been more, we are happy for the 39. Beryl Jensen Smiley favored us with two vocal solos. Her voice is more beautiful by the year.
We had some short memories of high school days shared by particular classmates. Burl Bushman told about his auto catching fire outside the classroom of C. LaVoir Jensen, and Stirling Broadhead told the "Vanishing Anvil" story. Both of these stories are on the website.
I encouraged classmates to access the BY High website by passing out the web address as: http://www.byhigh.org/ Larry Christensen, Website Volunteer Only about 1/4 of those present held up their hand when I asked how many knew there was a BY High site on the web! I have a personal request for everyone who attended. The photos that follow are the only ones taken by my wife's camera since I was mainly occupied at the registration table. If any of you would make copies of photos you took and would send me prints I would be eternally grateful.
It would be most helpful if you would identify those in the photos on the back. Also, those of you that have the capability could scan them and send to me via an email attachment. My mailing address is: Kent Broadhead 3658 West 5180 South Taylorsville, Utah 84118 Tel: 801-955-2866 Email: kent1bro@comcast.net My thanks to Nancy Browning Egbert, Stirling Broadhead, Don Broadhead for notifying their classmates of the reunion. If circumstances work out I will try another reunion in 2010. Incidentally, our mystery speaker was to have been Elder Dallin Oaks, Class of 1950. About three weeks prior to the reunion he was given an assignment to organize two stakes in Texas the same day as our reunion, and had to cancel his reunion attendance. Perhaps we can try again in 2010 if our reunion materializes. It was great to visit with those that were there. Bless you all! Kent B.
2008 Reunion Group Photo (24 Classmates): Front row, L. to R.: DeVere Brough, 1949; Kent Broadhead, 1949; Jerrie Smith Randall, 1948; Beryl Jensen Smiley, 1947; Burl Bushman, 1946; Joan Tuttle Lewis, 1947; Carol Brown Sonntag, 1947; Peg Clarke Riley, 1949; LuDean Christensen, 1949; Phyllis Winkler Clyde, 1948; Jane Spears Cooley, 1948; Kay Cullimore Wallace, 1948.
Back row, L. to R.: Erven Nelson, 1948; Paul Clark, 1949; James (Jim) Pinegar, 1946; Bob Prestwich; Don Broadhead, 1947; Dick Boyle, 1948; Frankie Paskett Roylance, 1949; LaMar Rawlings, 1948; Harold Christensen, 1949; Carma DeJong Anderson, 1948; Nancy Browning Egbert, 1948; Fred Baird, 1946.
Attending but not in Photo: Class of 1951: Wilford Baird Class of 1950: Clifford Corless, Nayda Harrison Birrell, Dorothy Austin Saltus. Class of 1949: Paul Salisbury, Lynn Rogerson, Karl Snow, Jae Ballif. Class of 1948: Gerri Salisbury Kelly, Bob Kirkpatrick, Class of 1947: None Class of 1946: Stirling Broadhead, Ross Viehweg, Malin Perry Class of 1940: Phyllis Rogerson Colter (sister of Lynn Rogerson) Class of 1938: Don Snow (brother of Karl Snow)
Overall Recap of Those Attending (39 Total)
Class of 1951: 1 Class of 1950: 3 Class of 1949: 11 Class of 1948: 11 Class of 1947: 5 Class of 1946: 6 Class of 1940: 1 Class of 1938: 1 39 - Total
Photo above left, L. to R.: Dick Boyle, Joan Tuttle Lewis, Paul Clark
Photo above right, L. to R.: Don Broadhead, Kent Broadhead, Burl Bushman, Stirling Broadhead
The Class of 1949 held its first formal reunion thirty-eight years after graduation, in 1987.* It was organized and led by Hank Taylor.
Additional reunions were held in 1997, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, and 2008, all organized by Kent Broadhead. The 1997 event was a large formal reunion held on the upper campus and in the old Provo Excelsior Hotel. The next three were one-day events held at Rock Canyon Park in Provo, then a small one at a Salt Lake County park.
Front Row, L to R: Henry Taylor, President, Class of 1949; Mary Bell Keith, friend of Bill Demos; Bill Demos, 1949; Duane Butler, 1949; Helen Butler, wife of Duane Butler, 1949; Diane Tuttle, wife of Gene Tuttle, 1949.
Next to Front, L to R: Rodney Sudweeks, husband of Betty W. Sudweeks, 1949; Betty Wallace Sudweeks, 1949; Margaret (Peg) Clarke Riley, 1949, daughter of BYH principal A. John Clarke; Karl N. Snow, 1949; Gene Tuttle, 1949, husband of Diane and son of BYH teacher L. Elliot Tuttle. Next to Last Row, L to R: Kent Broadhead, 1949; BYH teacher Winston Mercer; DeVere Brough, 1949; Kenneth Collard, 1949; Don Broadhead, 1947, brother of Kent; Jack Zenger, 1949. Last (Top) Row, L to R: Betty Broadhead, wife of Kent Broadhead, 1949; Mrs. Winston Mercer; LaRee Brough, wife of DeVere Brough, 1949; Trilby Collard, wife of Ken Collard, 1949; Joyce Broadhead, wife of Don Broadhead, 1947.
September 5, 2006
To my B.Y.H. Classmates: A couple of weeks ago some of us got together in a Salt Lake County park and had a nice afternoon of visiting and dinner in the late afternoon.
The main reason for this gathering was because Peg (Margaret) Clarke Riley was in Utah for a few days and we wanted to have a get-together with her, however brief. Those attending included DeVere and LaRee Brough, Paul and Marilyn Salisbury, Grant and Joan Brockbank, Monte and Janice Taylor DeGraw, Don McIntosh and Margaret Riley, Kent & Betty Broadhead. We visited for nearly three hours in the park, and then had a great dinner at Chuck-a-Rama. It was an enjoyable afternoon. Just wanted to share with you. Cheers to all, Kent Broadhead
The following notice was posted during the Summer of 2005. An informal reunion was held on September 2, 2005, attended by 70 to 80 people. More information will be posted as soon as possible. ________________________________________________
Subject: Classes of 1940s to 1950+ BY High Reunion
From: Kent Broadhead, Class of 1949
I have decided to organize another BY High reunion for alumni from 1940s to 1950, and anyone else who wishes to come.
I've reserved Pavilion #2 in Rock Canyon Park, 2620 North 1200 East, Provo, for all day on Friday, September 02, 2005.
I have no committee and am flying by the seat of my pants. I did this same thing in 2001 and 2003 at the same park. Many of you came. I call this a "mini" reunion because it is fairly well limited in scope. We'll visit and tell each other lies across pavilion tables.
I'm going to invite some faculty and need your help with names and addresses if you know the whereabouts of some of them. I know a half-dozen or more.
1. Please bring your own food and drink. We will have no grills for cooking of meat. You can pick up your provisions at one of the local fast food places in Provo or make & bring your own. This pavilion does have electrical outlets, water and restrooms.
2. We have the park reserved from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. (I believe). I propose we try to eat around 2 p.m., but that is strictly your choice. You may want to bring a light sweater for if the weather turns a bit cool later in the afternoon.
3. After, lunch, probably around 3 p.m., we will hold a short meeting. If you want to address the entire assemblage this is your opportunity. I'm going to try to get a couple of musical numbers performed by one or more of our talented graduates. Be assured that won't be me.
4. I will have name tags and a registration sheet at one of the pavilion tables. Please sign in for historical purposes!
5. Feel free to bring other family members if you desire. This pavilion holds 270 people so we have a pretty good capacity.
6. I hope we can plan something for Saturday for those who wish to remain in Provo. I'm receptive to ideas. My telephone number is 801-955-2866 and I live at 3658 West 5180 South, Taylorsville, Utah 84118.
7. This reunion is especially for those in classes 1940s - 1950, but anyone else who would like to come is surely invited.
8. If you even have a FAINT idea you will be able to come, please email and let me know. If you have to change your mind at the last minute that creates no problem except we'll sure miss you!
I'll try to update you on anything that comes up in future weeks.
Kent Broadhead
 Dick Smiley with wife, Beryl Jensen Smiley '47 |
 Bob Kirkpatrick '48 with his wife, Marilyn |
 Salisbury, Rawlings, Kirkpatrick & Christensen |
 DeVere Brough '49 with his wife, LaRee |
 Dick Boyle and Erven Nelson, both Class of 1948 |
 Dick White '50, Harold Christensen '49 |
 Marlene White with husband, Dick White '50 |
 Don Hansen '46~H, and his wife, LaRayne |
 Don Broadhead '47 with his wife, Joyce |
 Don Colovitch '46~H with his wife, Jovita |
 Douglas Thayer '47~H |
 Don McIntosh '49 |
 Grant Brockbank '49 with his wife, Norma |
 Harold Tanner '48 with his wife, Norma |
 Henry Taylor '49 with his wife, Collette |
 Janice Taylor DeGraw '49~H & Monte DeGraw |
 Jimmy Christensen '48~H and his wife, Helen |
 LaMar Rawlings & Dick Boyle, both Class of 1948 |
 Loye Allred Nelson '48 with her husband, Dick |
 Nila Jean Brown Miller '49 |
 Paul Clark '49 with his wife, Gretchen |
 Richard "Dick" Spencer '50 |
 Robert "Bob" Jones '49 |
 Ruth Wilson Young, Faculty |
 Gerri S. Kelly '48 & Paul Salisbury '49 & Marilyn |
 Winston Mercer, Faculty, and wife |
 Wilbur D. Hiatt & Ara Jean Avery Hiatt '49 |
 Jim Makin '48 with wife, Sue |
Mini-Reunion in August 2009
On August 21, 2009, five 1949 graduates of BY High and one from Provo High (LuDean Brown), along with Betty Broadhead, wife of Kent Broadhead, got together at a restaurant in Murray for lunch and conversation.
Margaret (Peg) Clark Riley, daughter of A. John Clark, former BY High Principal, came to Utah for a week and asked Kent if he could get anyone together for lunch and a little fellowshipping. He spoke with four more graduates but they had plans and couldn't come on relatively short notice. They had a very nice lunch and probably conversed for two hours after eating. Then all went their separate ways. It was an enjoyable afternoon.
Those attending were: Sitting, left to right: Betty Broadhead (wife of Kent), LuDean Christensen Brown, Frankie Paskett Roylance, Margaret (Peg) Clark Riley. Standing, left to right: Kent Broadhead, DeVere Brough, Duane Butler (The Mug Man) LuDean attended 7-8-9 at BY Jr. High, but Provo High 10-11-12.
* A group photo of the Class of 1949 was taken at the reunion in 1987, our first reunion, by one of our own members -- Richard Thayne -- a professional photographer. Richard reported later that flood waters got into his studio in Provo and ruined the negatives, so the class members never received the prints. That was a great loss. We continue to seek photographs taken at any of the reunions of the Class of 1949. Please send them to Kent Broadhead, or to yhigh@ymail.com